Saturday, 13 March 2010


Sensing your breath upon my skin
Mind shuts down
Vision begins
Melodically the chords wrap round my heart
Soul surrenders
Starts to depart

Of we fly to our magical land
You with your beloved cypress guitar in your hand
Me with that dress, castanets and red shoes
Music and dance forever infused

Cejilla is raised
Ready to perform
Sheer brilliance exudes
Bailador now transforms

Out I step in a frenzy of heat
Blind to the audience
Tuned to the beat
Enraptured I capture and quicken my pace
Brazenly displaying my posture and grace
Fierce pride and tears
Displayed through the dance
Gypsy blood never leaves nothing to chance

I toss back my hair full of contempt
Hypnotic eyes alluringly teasingly tempt
Crescendo building
Gathering yielding
Dark feelings consume and make us all whole
Duende is like catharsis for the soul

Performance now over
Back to the hills
Heat of our passion
Emblazoned with thrills
Religiously we flaunt the original sin
Immortality secured deeply within
Bodies now tired
Sleep must begin
Sensing your breath upon my skin


  1. You've certainly conveyed the steamy passion!

  2. Thanks Rosemary. I am happy that the passion was conveyed in this write. I find Flamenco an extremely evocative dance and that mixed up with the concept of Duende is to me my idea of heaven on earth. Thanks.
